Making of a Game...

Game designer Bryn Summers considers the balance between user interface and art assets for MKE Waterscape on the AR Table.

Game designer Bryn Summers considers the balance between user interface and art assets for MKE Waterscape on the AR Table.

Our team met again this week to create the role-playing game's simulated economy and work through how different roles will have different special abilities.

We used a jar of washers we found in the Arts @ Large basement to stand in for in-game currency.

This allowed us a quick-and-dirty test of the basic mathematical relationships for how roles interact with scenario choices.


Although we're building a digital game, there's nothing like paper, pencil, and physical objects to work through a prototype. In a few weeks, the paper prototype will be ready for playtesting. Drop us a line if you want to try it out!

Although we're building a digital game, there's nothing like paper, pencil, and physical objects to work through a prototype. In a few weeks, the paper prototype will be ready for playtesting. Drop us a line if you want to try it out!

If you or someone you know is fluent in Linux coding and would like to help create this awesome Augmented Reality role-playing experience, let us know.