Discover the Area of Concern

Today in Cleveland, Ohio, professional water advocates and managers from around the Great Lakes are gathering at the annual Area of Concern (AOC) conference. The Milwaukee Estuary is one of over 40 areas so designated due to historic industrial contamination that requires major cleanup efforts to make the water “swimmable and fishable” again.

Never heard of Milwaukee’s AOC? Check out the video overview above. Then explore the many types of projects—habitat, sediment, fish passage, and more—making a difference in the Milwaukee Community Map. Open the map in Google Earth Pro on Desktop, then select the “Fishable & Swimmable!” Deeper Dive and toggle through the many layers and click on the points of interest.

In other news, this weekend is the annual Maker Faire! This year’s free event, formerly held at State Fair Park, is downtown at the Wisconsin Center. Reflo will be there with our Virtual Water Table and the Milwaukee Community Map on a big screen. Join us for family-friendly fun for all!