42 Ale House game developers meetup

Amid the ecstatic din of the 42 Ale House party room--people playing board games, card games, bar games, and a variety of awesome video games all made by local designers--five more brave souls playtested the MKE Waterscape paper prototype.

Last time, we tested the "Past" level of five scenarios. This time at the Miltown Game Developers meetup we tested the "Present" level. (Our humble jar of washers reprised their role as currency tokens.)

Revisions over the past week included trimming back the roles to five, rebalancing the game economy, clarifying player skills, and refining the scenario language.

We noticed players diving into their roles and having some fun with the simple role-play. Player feedback from this group of game fans was critical but insightful, with suggestions for us to amp up the player competition and further empower some of the roles.

We're looking forward to making these and more adjustments as we prepare for next week's playtest on Friday, April 6 with Riveredge Nature Center educators.

Also, we're looking for a programmer fluent in C# and the Unity 3D engine to help make this game to be played on Reflo's Augmented Reality table.

Thanks to everyone who shared time and feedback. We appreciate it!

Thanks to everyone who shared time and feedback. We appreciate it!