Our team added Lauren Brown and Dionna Hayden to the project this week.
During an intensive workshop at Arts @ Large, we considered some historic reference maps and drilled into what the various "Past" level scenarios will look and feel like. It was exciting to see Lauren plunge in and breathe a new dimension of life into our plans.
Our game exposes how humans transformed the Milwaukee waterscape and invites consideration of how those choices were made and how alternate choices could have led to divergent outcomes. The workshop was all about aligning the game's vision and design with an artistic sense of interactive cartography.
Our game also invites players to bring different perspectives to the table by role-playing one of five different characters who choose how the Milwaukee waterscape evolves. Dionna's insights on how to represent those characters and their special abilities to our middle-grade and high-school audience will be key in creating smooth, enjoyable gameplay.
We love the insights and expertise Lauren and Dionna have already brought to the process and look forward to sharing a sneak peek at these talented artists' work in the coming weeks!
Lauren Brown considers the evolution of Jones Island to be represented in one of our scenarios.
Bryn Summers and Lauren Brown collaborating on how to balance competing elements of the "Past" level design.