Artists Dionna Hayden and Lauren Brown discuss strategy with Michael Timm
Our team has been busy making progress on several fronts.
We're pleased to share some images showing the process of creating art assets that will integrate with the map layer of our game.
Artist Dionna Hayden shared some draft sketches that are evolving into iconography for our game.
To right are some draft sketches by Lauren Brown for our historically inspired Milwaukee's "Past" Level 1.
The game design programming is also coming along and we look forward to sharing more updates in the weeks to come. Mark your calendars for June 14 and the Green Schools Conference!
Early concept sketch of Jones Island history.
Early concept sketch of Milwaukee River history.
Back in the sandbox again... The AR table unleashes and augments the imagination.
A big hit... The AR table attracts attention of a wide range of ages and interests.
A place for all hands... The AR table invites cooperative interaction by its very nature.