Did You Know?
This page contains activities you can explore in the Google Earth app for Chrome, your phone, or tablet. Each activity contains a linked file with preselected geographic layers that frame each inquiry.
Find Your Watershed
What watershed do you call home?
Do you know what Wisconsin Assembly District you live in?
Who is elected to represent your interests in the state Legislature?
What districts touch your watershed?
Open the linked file in Google Earth app for Chrome, phone, or tablet. Toggle the layers on and off with the eyeball and hover over to identify the Assembly Districts. For help, see this page.
Clarification: These Assembly maps are used for the fall 2022 elections, and the representatives elected then will take office on Jan 3, 2023.
Redistricting Comparison
Do you know what Wisconsin Assembly District you live in?
Who is elected to represent your interests in the state Legislature?
The district boundaries are redrawn every 10 years in what is known as "redistricting." Do you live in the same district as you did before redistricting?
How did the boundaries change? Why did they change?
Open the linked file in Google Earth app for Chrome, phone, or tablet. Toggle the layers on and off with the eyeball and hover over to identify the Assembly Districts. For help, see this page.
Clarification: These Assembly maps are used for the fall 2022 elections, and the representatives elected then will take office on Jan 3, 2023.
Combined or Separated Sewer?
Do you flush your toilet into the Combined or Separated Sewer Area?
Do your neighbors flush into the same system as you?
Find Jones Island and the South Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant on the map.
Open the linked file in Google Earth app for Chrome, phone, or tablet. Toggle the layers on and off with the eyeball and hover over to identify the Assembly Districts. For help, see this page.
How well do you know Milwaukee’s neighborhoods?
This screen recording of a June 7, 2022 Zoom session features a fun quiz activity with 10 questions on Milwaukee’s neighborhood posters illustrated by Jan Kotowicz and available through Historic Milwaukee, Inc. The map layer was shared with permission of Historic Milwaukee, Inc. and Milwaukee historian John Gurda, who authored the 2015 book, Milwaukee: A City of Neighborhoods. The quiz runs from approximately 10:00 to 18:30. The remainder of the video shows an overview of the Milwaukee Community Map. You can play the quiz yourself and hunt for the posters using the companion web map or Chrome map.
10-question quiz runs from ~10:00 to 18:30 in the video. Use the companion maps to see how well you know Milwaukee’s neighborhoods!