Wisconsin Legislature’s State Assembly Districts

Wisconsin is governed by a state Legislature with two houses. The lower house is the State Assembly and consists of representatives from 99 districts. This web map also shows the City of Milwaukee for reference. Last updated: June 2022.

This web map shows only the State Assembly Districts for Southeastern Wisconsin.* The boundaries are effective for the fall 2022 elections following a protracted redistricting process in 2021 and 2022. The previous boundaries are linked below for comparison.

Clarification: These Assembly maps are used for the fall 2022 elections, and the representatives elected then will take office on Jan 3, 2023.

We invite you to explore the web map below and through the Milwaukee Community Map in Google Earth, where you can cross this basemap with other interactive story layers.


Special thanks to Kevin Ackerman.

Learn more about the Wisconsin Legislature.

*This is due to file size limitations encumbering the 2022 data.