Left Image: Before Transformation / Right Image: After Transformation

Over $3 million was raised to redevelop the Academy of Accelerated Learning and 4 other MPS schoolyards.
46,354 square feet of asphalt was removed from Academy of Accelerated Learning’s schoolyard and was replaced with 40,440 square feet of new green space and mixed-use recreation and educational areas. The design includes a new outdoor classroom with shade structure and the addition of 36 stormwater trees. The current staff parking lot will be reoriented to increase the schoolyard while further managing stormwater through the addition of bioswales. The redevelopment included 9,340 square feet of restored native habitat and plantings which allow for unique spaces on the schoolyard that can represent natural Wisconsin ecosystems, complete with student-created signage. The plan manages approximately 65,940 gallons of stormwater per rain event.
In addition, an amphitheater will host school performances and community events. Loose parts construction play zones encourage student creativity and critical thinking skills as youth continually make the space their own through collaborative interactions. Green infrastructure including stormwater trees, bioswales, and native grasses also serve as unique learning spaces. Educational and artistic signage throughout the schoolyard will support student-curated tours and encourage learning through self-guided exploration.
The Plan
The new schoolyard is envisioned to include musical play features, space for performing arts, natural playscapes, gaga ball pits, and a new soccer field. All told, the new green infrastructure elements also have the capacity to manage 39,340 gallons of stormwater.
Academy of Accelerated Learning
3727 S. 78th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53220
School Snapshot
K4 - 5th Grades
600+ students
68% economically disadvantaged
Conceptual Design
Detailed Design, Permitting, & Construction
Maintenance & Stewardship
Contact Information
Eric Rian
Principal, Academy of Accelerated Learning
Renee Bast
IB PYP Coordinator, Academy of Accelerated Learning
Justin Hegarty
Executive Director, Reflo - Sustainable Water Solutions
“It is an honor to have the Academy of Accelerated Learning (AAL) in the 11th Aldermanic District being utilized as part of a Flood Mitigation program. In cooperation with MMSD, MPS is utilizing AAL’s substantial playground for techniques like bioswales. For whatever reason, we as a community have had a number of hundred-year rainstorms in the last ten years. The intensity of some of these prohibits seeing across the street. Our sewer system is equipped to do only so much. Homeowners are grateful that excess water that normally would skim across the playground, now has somewhere else to go especially, not their basements!”
—Mark Borkowski, 11th District Alderman